Potassium pyroantimonate precipitation method was adopted to the Ca~ ( 2+) distributions in the developing connectives of different sterile lines and the corresponding maintainer lines as well as their fertile anthers of rice. 采用焦锑酸钾沉淀法研究了不同类型水稻不育系与其相应保持系及其可育花药药隔发育过程中Ca2+的分布变化。
The dynamic changes of Ca~ ( 2+) distribution during the development of fiber in Phyllostachys edulis culms was studied using a potassium pyroantimonate precipitation method. 利用焦锑酸盐沉淀技术,对毛竹茎秆纤维发育过程中Ca2+的时空变化进行了研究。